We are discussing timestamps 00:41:55-00:48:04 and we find out what’s getting served for dinner in our profile of Meatloaf and the greaser from the freezer, *insert Columbia scream* Eddie! This “lovely party” continues as Frank gives us more tin foil for our hats regarding our conspiracy about Charles Atlas’s corpse.
I’m not going to caption this bcus I’m pretty sure you can hear this image
Hot Patootie live at the Manchester Opera House during the 2016 UK Rocky Horror Show tour! You can see how Columbia stumbles upon the dinner in the fridge (and Frank is straight up using a chainsaw!!)
Why are the Transylvanians as terrified of Eddie’s arrival as Janet was of Frank’s???
Eddie apparently had enough leopard print to line his leather vest AND the interior wall of the deep freeze. Also, Columbia!!!! She is the sweetest! The ultimate groupie at the front stage gates
Rachael in her gold wrestling boots, gold booty shorts, and a gold-sequined bustier watching the other half of her brain arrive in Sasha (fully decked out with all of Eddie’s props!) at KAOS @ The Frida Cinema
The various Transylvanian tableaus, making us think they are hoping to /camouflage/ with the Greek statues that are littering the laboratory.
Okay, skip forward to about twenty seconds in lol to get to an ultra rare audio recording of Meatloaf on Broadway during Rocky Horror Show’s run in 1975 (accompanied with awesome photos of the Coca-cola fridge that is also lined with leopard print wallpaper!)
Ramon “Gorilla with a Pipe” Gow and Pierre LaRoche on set preparing Meatloaf for his grand delivery!
Two of KAOS’s newer stars Ben and Charli COMPLETELY EMBODYING their characters! I adore these shots!!!! At KAOS @ The Frida Cinema
Frank being mildly irritated that Eddie interrupted his musical number (but otherwise not really giving much of a fuck?)
Meatloaf performing Eddie’s one-hit wonder mashed-up with Time Warp on his Australia/New Zealand exclusive Guilty Pleasure Tour in 2011
For your consideration, Frank’s facial expressions part one
An EXCELLENT make up tutorial video educating how to step-by-step re-create Eddie’s brain surgery wound if you want to go to the next level with your cosplay or shadowcasting look!
Argyle asking Emilee “dude where’s my car” I mean “whatever happened to Saturday night??” at KAOS @ The Frida Cinema
Columbia eating Eddie’s rings as an appetizer (maybe she already knows what’s for dinner??)
THROWBACK photo of one of our FAVS CJ as Columbia with Chris at Midnight Insanity circa ~2014!
Argyle at Crazed Imaginations in San Diego. Look at their amazing tank in the back!!
This full demo tape of Richard O’Brien singing early versions of all the Rocky Horror Show songs totally satisfies my eardrums bcus of Montreal is my fav band of all time so like listen to ALL of this but skip to 18:36 to hear “Whatever Happened to Saturday Night” and hear what a Richard O’Brien Eddie may have been like!
DUH-DUH-DOUBLE TAKE! This is what we shadowcast for!!!!! Tim Bob and Charli imitating art in it’s highest form!! And multiple thanks to Emily for capturing this amazing frame!
Beth as Frank in the wings, while Hayley, Elliot, and Emilee enjoy Sasha literally giving their all on that sax solo at KAOS @ The Frida Cinema
If your ultimate dream is to be a greaser from a freezer like a bat out of hell, click here for the Anal Retentive Eddie costume list for slingshot and cowboy boot details plus more!
So... is Eddie aware of/approves the Transylvanians observing him, or is he just coincidentally kicking the camera here?
And with one motion, Eddie rids himself of the weapon he could have used to knock Frank & Co. incapacitated, and tells Brad “it’s all in your hands now, Asshole”
Shadowcast 20 Cent Fiction in 2012 performing Hot Patootie. I know I have posted this performance before, but can you blame me?? Look at all their production design! The PROPS! AND THE CAST TOO!!!
Poor sweet Columbia, the cutie that will be broken SO HARD
Eddie staring Brad and Janet dead in the face saying “hey kiddos, losing your virginity is really really really special, so hey maybe you shouldn’t let Frank bed you so easily later tonight???”
Hayley and Ricky (and Emilee on right) getting straight up SEDUCED by Gina at Midnight Insanity @ The Art Theatre in Long Beach (also I am just swooning thinking about this performance omg Gina literally had me Janet fainting)
HOLY CANNOLI THOSE LIFTS!!! Tim Bob and Charli at KAOS and Sasha and Mars at Sins O’ The Flesh giving chiropractors everywhere a CONCERN (and PLZ coordinate your lifts, Eddies and Columbias! Do not wait for this moment of the movie to decide how you are going to perform the dance!!!)
Another THROWBACK of Chris and CJ at Midnight Insanity approx 2014!
Riff and Mags preemptively dancing on Eddie’s grave? Their relishing in the chaos and madness is what makes us believe they both knew the deep freeze would malfunction during the experiment. Hey, if they can make that Rocket Plan take off any faster, they’ll take any opportunity they can get!
I had to grab this wild motion shot to convey how much this scene is really shot like a music video and that Meatloaf does NOT stop moving for a SINGLE SECOND of this number (omg I am out of breath just thinking about it)
Gosh, I love this ensemble cast so immensely. Every one of their faces is so expressive and this film would not be anywhere close to the party it is without the amassed talent of this Transylvanian troupe
AND FRAMES LIKE THIS ARE WHY I LOVE FILM like look how the streaming cold freezer air is partially obscuring Frank’s face, foreshadowing the shadiness of his character, and we aren’t able to see what he has retrieved from this wall...
Now, now, before we get into arguably one of the more horrific moments of the movie, flash back to 1981 when Saturday Night Live premiered the sketch “Tim and Meat’s One-Stop Rocky Horror Shop” (and uhm hello totally missed business opportunity 2021 I’m looking at you to fulfill this need)
Eddie and Eidde (Frank loves his mirror images, right???) behind a modified windshield/wheelchair contraption and nowhere near a motorcycle LOL
Riff and Magenta looking very unsurprised at how these events are transpiring and Frank looking hungry for a kill (or maybe actually just hungry, he didn’t get to enjoy any of the spread earlier in the ballroom)
OP THERE IT IS there’s that cutie being broken! Just partially though. Richard O’Brien and Jim really wanted to make her suffer
“One from the Vaults” is Frank’s favorite Grateful Dead live album— and hey, that concert was recorded August of 1975 so maybe he was in attendance!!
Quite a convenient location to kill your prey and keep it chilled for further preparation! Also, poor Eddie dude, honestly, this is like brutal to look at LOL
“I’M UPSET” “Noooooo... your name is RO-CKY”
OKAY look at this shot!! Reshot in post, the production team rebuilt portions of the laboratory and elevator for Tim to come back and get in some fresh make up for this close up! You can totally notice this was filmed at an entirely different time than the rest of the scene and now you will never unsee it 🙂
I mean, Katie and I may not be muscle fans..... oh, who are we kidding, we ALL REACT LIKE FRANK in this moment!!!
like father like son
LOL LOOK AT BARRY’S FACES!!!!!!! He’s like “no no no Janet don’t look” and then is like “damnit I can’t even help looking”
Omg Anthony Milner in the background rn is cracking us UP
When everyone in every room in every theatre looks at Janet and are like “bitch this ain’t a group number”
Dig it if you can indeed 🥴🤤 Audrey and John BOTH giving us some visual pleasure at Midnight Insanity @ The Art Theatre in Long Beach

Poor sweet Columbia dude, she straight up wants to be happy for Frank but like how could he have done her so dirty like that!! Right in front of her face!! (Unless that’s like a fetish for the Transylvanians? Sexy murder?? ACK NO)
Frank is excited to proceed with the night’s festivities. Rocky still barely knows how to walk
The strangest Transylvanian custom yet: accompanying and cheering on the grooms alllllllll the way into their honeymoon suite? I mean, it would be very voyeuristic of them 🤔👀
And with that, we bid adieu to our outer space visitors and you KNOW I have to include this frame because I love a Kubrick-style evenly framed shot!! GOOONNNGGG
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Hey, Janet........ I've got something to say......