The Original Rocky Horror Movie-by-Minute Podcast, where with each seven minutes, we can make you a faaaaa-aaa-aaaa--a-annnn! A deep dive introspective of the 1975 cult classic. Is human life meaningless, as the Criminologist implies? Is THIS MOVIE meaningless, as the Criminologist implies? Is it Katie and Hayley's favorite movie? We'll find out! New episodes every other week, and on Wednesdays we watch Rocky! ✨👽👄
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This episode’s timestamps are 00:56:10-01:03:33, PROBABLY Hayley’s favorite segment of the film (and as a Janet, can you blame me??) where we join voyeurs Columbia and Magenta in watching some friendly hands give some much needed action in the track “Touch-a, Touch-a, Touch Me”, and it just would not be the Janet episode w/o profiling the woman we idolize <3 SUSAN SARANDON <333333.
Why, if Crim is a human being, does he need not only the dictionary definition of the word emotion, he needs a TICKER TAPE explaining the document being referenced?? Y’all
Heart-eyed Cyclops Crim
Watch this video (or jump to minute 5:58) to see why we call Rocky Horror the PowerPoint of films
San and Stephany (special guesting from Midnight Insanity) @ KAOS at The Frida Cinema in Santa Ana, California
GAH Susan is literally the perfect blend of cute and sexy (yes I’m in Crazy, Stupid, Love with her OKAY) like her facial features are so wide and open that she looks so innocent and naive. A PERFECT casting for a character you have to reasonably believe starts virginal and then has a full-circle sexual awakening
Susan with Barry, who she was romantically linked to during the filming of RHPS. Susan only married once, and was otherwise only in long term partnerships. Her most recent partner was also her business partner: Susan and Jonathan Bricklin own **PING-PONG CLUBS*** in New York and Toronto!
Susan accepting her Oscar in 1996 for the film Dead Man Walking (no, not the song from the Heather’s musical LOL) that I’m pretending is just the Academy post-awarding her for Rocky Horror okay (also hey, she beat out Meryl Streep, Emma Thompson and Sharon Stone!!!!!)
Susan is an incredible activist and like, uh, could we love her any MORE at this point?? Read this interview with the actress, profiling her social and political acts of activism in both film and everyday life!
Okay, if you have never seen the 1994 version of Little Woman, watch this clip above and then RUN TO YOUR TV AND WATCH IT IMMEDIATELY. Susan is the only woman brilliant and gorgeous enough for me to reasonably believe brilliant and gorgeous women Winona Ryder, Claire Danes, and Kirsten Dunst were mothered by the same person
I just had to remind y’all ONE MORE TIME what a symbol of sexuality this woman has been, not just for me, but for GENERATIONS of people who identify with her performance in Rocky Horror. WE LOVE YOU SUSAN <33333333
Feeling done in? Can’t win? Only ever kissed before? Hayley tries Janet’s method of slip-seduction on John @ Midnight Insanity at The Art Theatre in Long Beach, CA
Emilee preparing Brianna for her pedicure @ KAOS at The Frida Cinema in Santa Ana, CA
Couldn’t... Magenta... help Columbia out... with blow drying... her nails...
Hayley just really wants to know... /how/ to go with John @ Midnight Insanity at The Art Theatre in Long Beach, CA
I think Janet already knows where she wants to be toucha-toucha’d if you know what I’m saying
Correction’s corner: Susan’s name in the FRIENDS episode is *Jessica*, where her character gets the Eddie treatment and has a brain transplant as a way of getting killed off the soap opera she works on with Joey. EVERYTHING IS ROCKY HORROR also I guess Susan is doomed to be confidently sexy in everything she does
LOOK AT THAT COY SMILE Ms. Weiss knows EXACTLY what she is suggesting here
Audrey with
Gimme gimme more gimme more gimme gimme more
“You mean she’s-?!” “A VVVIIRRRGGINNNN!” Katie and Brianna @ KAOS at The Frida Cinema in Santa Ana, CA
Hehehehehehe we are JUST as excited as these two to see Janet *finally* getting some action, bcus the Transylvanians are so good at shaping the narrative of all these situations. Despite Janet being ENGAGED, we are actively cheering her on in this act of infidelity! YEAH YOU GET SOME GIRL
James demonstrating for Hayley what equipment Rocky’s got packed in those gold shorts, as Emilee and Audrey demand she oil him up n’ down @ KAOS at The Frida Cinema in Santa Ana, CA
Uhm, Janet, WHO are you asking assistance from here? Anyone? No one? DOES IT MATTER? Could Janet have just as easily found the wonders of self-discovery? Or could she have wandered instead into Columbia and Magenta’s room to fool around with a couple of ladies?
Janet’s costume is perfect for portraying a demure young lady who learns she just can’t help wanting to thrilled, chilled, and fulfilled! If you are an ultimate Janet stan, click here for the Anal Retentive costume link for all the details to recreate Ms. Weiss’s wardrobe!
The Rocky Horror Show Live in 2015, with Janet taking more of an alto than ultra-soprano that Susan is famous for falsetto-ing!
Janet is in such bliss already that if Rocky were not the perfect gentleman, he TOTALLY could get it *right here, *right now. He doesn’t even have his hands on her yet, and he turns away at the suggestion of touching her being dirty! For being less than 7hrs old, Rocky sure knows the rules of consent a whole lot better than most people in this place...
OKAY, you *cannot* tell me that we as audience members are not sexually some type of voyeurs in enjoying the entirety of RHPS. Especially in this scene when we are getting THE EXACT VIDEO FEED Columbia and Magenta are similarly enjoying in their room!!
Have you ever wanted to watch Toucha Toucha, but if it were Eddie and Columbia in Hot Patootie? Look no further than this production of the Rocky Horror Show at Carnegie Mellon University in 2010!
We need an entire album dedicated to silly Walter-Rocky faces. Here he gets handsy with Katie as Janet @ KAOS at The Frida Cinema in Santa Ana, CA
And WOAH role reversal and THROWBACK! To Katie as Rocky with Sammi @ Midnight Insanity in
Toucha, Toucha, touch me indeed! I love how John always cheats out to the audience. It’s not just about copying the performance onscreen, you gotta embody the character and convey their motivations! @ Midnight Insanity at The Art Theatre in Long Beach, CA
LET’S TALK ABOUT THIS SHOT, OKAY. First, it being a practical visual effect made possible by the stained glass of the tank. Second, the bars of the tank passing the frame as we sink lower into it give a grindhouse-y, smut film affect of watching an old porno on film where you can see the reels and cuts. And THIRDLY, the color transition also entendres a heat map as Janet literally goes from a cooler body temperature to a red hot burning glow!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Emilee and Audrey likewise wanting to be diirrrttyyyy @ KAOS at The Frida Cinema in Santa Ana, CA
Walter and Nilza in this excellent and hilarious action shot @ KAOS at The Frida Cinema in Santa Ana, CA
Rocky Horror gets the Hollywood treatment with Nicole Scherzinger stepping into Janet’s lace panty-set in 2010 at the film’s 35th Anniversary!
“CREATURE OF THE NIGHT!” Elliot and Carli @ KAOS at The Frida Cinema in Santa Ana, CA
This overlay of Janet’s engagement ring and Brad’s (very confused) face remind us: “Oh yeah! They only got betrothed like five hours ago!”
Rocky’s so nice, Janet had to have him twice. Or maybe he can’t shut up now that he’s learned how to speak??
James expertly portraying the more ...childlike... characteristics of Rocky with Hayley @ KAOS at The Frida Cinema in Santa Ana, CA
Quite close corners to choose to start whipping someone, eh Frank? (Also this entire cast’s FACIAL EXPRESSIONS)
He was only away for a moment! Insert with Austin @ Sins o’ The Flesh in Los Angeles, CA
Ray demanding Chris check the monitor OR ELSE @ KAOS at The Frida Cinema in Santa Ana, CA
Nicky wearing Frank’s iconic leather jacket @ KAOS at The Frida Cinema in Santa Ana, CA. Click here to view high-res photos of Frank’s ORIGINAL JACKET that is now privately owned after being purchased at an auction at the 59 Club!
Brad looks pretty happy for a guy who’s about to go and FUCK EVERYTHING UP lol
Nicky about to give into the crowd’s demands for some of Cory’s “man nipple” @ KAOS at The Frida Cinema in Santa Ana, CA
And Riff looks pretty happy for an alien who just Freudian-slipped the Castle’s greatest secret! Unless... it was a FAUX-dian slip and this is allllllll a part of Riff’s Rocket Plan...
The Zen Room appears to be presided over by the Hindu goddess Kali, chief of the Tantric goddesses who together form the mother goddess Parvati. Her main gig is destroying all evil and being an ultimate divine protector, and is also considered the feminine form for “time”. Fitting decor for a bunch of people who love to dance a “time warp!”
J’adore every. Single. EVERY. SINGLE. Rocky Horror poster. But I particularly enjoy this one, bcus... like... wtf would you even think this movie *IS* looking at this frame????
Dr. Scott getting flung up the stairs so fast, it tears the carpet in two! LOL a second continuity error caused by those dang wires!
Columbia has been a Frankie fan long enough to get pprrreeetttyyyy comfortable in her bedroom, here displaying her favorite movie posters and soundtracks, a framed beach towel as art, and hey-! It seems that Columbia DOES in fact do laundry! And also... if Magenta is smoking a cigarette, does that imply these gossip queens did in fact do the deed??
These two shots are my biggest evidence in support of why Dr. Scott cuts straight to the chase with Frank in the laboratory:
He CLEARLY saw Eddie’s giant face wallpapered in that room back there! No denying they know him after seeing that!
We at Time Warp Radio firmly (with tin foiled heads) deny the belief that Brian Thompson and the production design team /“forgot”/ to build a door in the laboratory. It’s not like they were gunna send the elevator back down for him!
Brad, seen here, casually pointing to where he last remembered seeing Eddie... getting murdered... Oh yeah, that happened, like, not even twenty minutes ago!!!
Bahahahahahaha Peter’s face bahahahahah
This scene from Shrek 2 may be an homage to Rocky Horror in a few ways other than just the Rocky Horror role call??
I can’t find a clip from Seinfeld season 4 episode 10 “The Virgin” (everything is Rocky Horror) where Jerry, George and two girls they meet at the bar do the role call. So instead enjoy this fan video of The Time Warp... but it’s clips from Seinfeld
I recommend watching not just this video, but the entire episode (and honestly all of Scrubs except the last season, we’ll just pretend that doesn’t exist), but jump forward to minute 3:11 if you wanna skip to the Rocky Horror goods!
Pictured above: Badass Frank N. Furter being casual on a ladder. Also pictured above: Badass Tim Curry casually at a club.
Terry announcing dinner is “papayas” in this THROWBACK with Legend Diego as Frank in the background!! @ Midnight Insanity at The Art Theatre in Long Beach, CA
Mina @ Sins o’ The Flesh in Los Angeles, CA
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT, WALTER. Ray and Audrey witness the silliness @ KAOS at The Frida Cinema in Santa Ana, CA
THROWBACK to Sammi from RKO @ KAOS at The Frida Cinema in Santa Ana, CA
Audrey warning John that if she made ‘im, she can break ‘im, while I wonder if a red sheet could be considered “formal dress” @ Midnight Insanity at The Art Theatre in Long Beach, CA
We are discussing timestamps 01:03:34-01:09:48, so we are finding out who’s being served/who’s being eaten in this strange and bizarre dinner scene! Also, who in the HECK is Dr. Scott? What tf kind of coincidence is it that he arrives the same night of Brad and Janet’s seduction?? And HOW. DID HE. GET. THAT. NOTE? We profile Jonathan Adams, Denton’s premiere high school science teacher turned UFO enthusiast, and his song “Eddie’s Teddy” to see if we can determine the answers to any of these questions, or if Dr. Scott is doomed to be the most confusing character in the Rocky Horror universe. Let’s just crack this open SHALL WE Serious, foreboding Crim warning us that we are viewing /someone’s/ last meal at this dinner table “Crazed imaginations” Crim realizing it will be /MANY/ of their last meal’s at this dinner table Jovial, get-a-drink-with-Crim remembering how tasty Meatloaf is. Also... can anyone reason why Crim has framed portraits of Ronald Reagan and FDR on his desk? ...
Thank you again, Star Wars Minute for inspiring us to follow your method of analyzing our fav--... well, we're not sure yet if it's our FAVORITE movie, but we intend to find out! This week, we join the Movie-by -Minute pod family with Episode 1: "A SCIENCE FICTION DOUBLE FEATURE PODCAST SHOW". Timestamps are 00:00:00-00:06:51, and this means we are discussing those delicious blood red lips, analyzing the masturbatory sci-fi references LOL, and beginning to interpret whatever we can to dispute the Crim's assertations this film "lacks meaning". If you are interested in studyin' up before your first time, the Rocky Horror Fan Club has aammmaaazzzinnnggg references up and down their site, including a virgin guide , a detailed Rocky Horror timeline , and Sal Piro's first hand experience as witness to the beginning of the cult phenomenon. And here's an article originally published in 1990 by the Los Angeles Times, documenting an entertainmen...
Today we are discussing timestamps 00:48:04-00:56:13 which includes the most controversial segment of the movie so CONTENT TRIGGER WARNING. We are analyzing Brad and Janet’s bedroom scenes (which look identical and that aren’t all too different as far as text/context goes), and hey... Rocky has a pretty good idea of where the front door is located in the castle considering he’s been chained in the laboratory all this time! Weird Fantasy No.13B with it’s issue contents. We weren’t kidding about the phallic imagery or the vaguely-veiled sexual innuendo in the content “Well” *shrugs* A production of Rocky Horror Show in Vienna, Austria at Museumsquartier in 2009, showing how the musical returns from intermission and their interpretation of B&J quite ...enjoying... their visits from Frank The movie that is literally the POWERPOINT PRESENTATION of movies with all these mechanical wipes but goossshhhh I adore it so much we are sneaking a peek through a door peephole Look at allllll ...
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Hey, Janet........ I've got something to say......