This episode, we are discussing timestamps 00:21:12-00:27:50 which means we are finishing the Time Warp and are finally profiling who we all stay awake until midnight for: FRANK-N-FURTER!
Magenta finalizing the sibling’s plan for mutiny, doing the same “dance step” she’ll do on the Floorshow stage later on! Also: look at Janet’s shoulder to see her cardigan is already ready to be removed LOL
The absolutely adorable Little Nell. If I were a snake of a guy, I would wanna pick up this little cutie, too! We can’t wait to discuss her and be groupies for Columbia in our next episode!
If my attempt at a rockabilly guitar riff did not impress you, listen the audio of the original Time Warp from the London stage show and you'll hear what I mean!
Here is the chaos that IS a KAOS at The Frida Cinema stage during the Time Warp. We’ve got Transylvanians Skibz, Nicky (the Annabel Leventon cosplayer who we mentioned carries around a framed Danny DeVito), Nilza, and Darlene, with Chris, Brianna, and Virginia teaching ‘em how it’s done. Read this New York Times article from 2015 about how Rocky Horror will continue to do the Time Warp FOREVER
A strange and wonderful version of Time Warp by Damian, an English techno-pop musician, who is best known for this 1989 cover!
Okay, HERE’S a really good look at the ballroom in all it’s discombobulated hilarity. What is that style of red velvet lighting fixture and why are there so many of them?? How did Frank ‘n Co. come to own not one, but TWO Mona Lisa paintings to put above their dual fireplaces? We’re still tin-foiling our heads together to figure it out, but read this article that argues that the Rocky Horror Picture Show is “pure art and allegory, and that every future viewing demands reverence and careful dissection.” We very much agree
Nell’s still got them tippy-tappies! Watch this video from 2006 of a tribute for the Rocky Horror Show!
Look closely and count the similarities between Crim’s office and the ballroom at the Frankenstein place. Two desk lamps right next to each other, providing light for... what exactly? Crim is practically standing in the dark! But they probably knew if they brightened the room anymore, we’d be able to more easily see that TAXIDERMY’D BIRD and strange soldier statue in the far back corner! Also, what’s with Transylvanians and pineapples???
Richard O’Brien dancing through the since-renovated Oakley Court in a special feature from the film's 25th DVD release. “I’m about to sing a song now that’s been very good to me” ugh so good to us too Richard
The Transylvanians finish their orgy (or ode to space travel?) and we get a full look at the bizarro spread of “cultured” food items that have been brought for the convention. In a shadowcast, WE TOO drop from exhaustion after finishing the ever-speed-increasing Time Warp! Read this super recent article interviewing director Jim Sharman on how Rocky Horror went from a “tiny musical to a filthy phenomenon”.
Watch and LISTEN to this crowd at the University of Miami in 2016, and hear how they respond to the cloak reveal. THIS HAPPENS EVERY WHERE, EVERY TIME, GUARENTEED
lololololololol my FAV video tbh, it PERFECTLY DESCRIBES the OTHER usual reaction to Frank!!
Audrey at KAOS at The Frida Cinema immediately post-cloak reveal. Read this interview with Tim from 2016 at the time of the remake’s release where he admits that he has been known to distance himself from the film in the past. We are so thankful he is continuing to meet fans at conventions now!!!
Here is Danny Beard from Britain's Got Talent in 2016. EVERYONE (including Simon Cowell) has stood up by the end of this number!! THE SONG IS THAT POWERFUL YOU GUYS

The many iterations Tim Curry workshopped before becoming the Afro’ed, sequined, boxer-brief wearing alien we adore and ...dare I say, worship?
Tim watering his garden in 2008 (and also warning what he will do to any unexpected visitors)
Tim on set of the film, describing Frank as a mad scientist, but explaining the depths of the role he interpreted to bring Frank to life. It shows! The passion in his performance in palpable even 45 years later!
UGH look at this garden!! What an oasis! No wonder he has won awards for it’s design and care! Click here to read Tim Curry’s biography on his site, and be prepared to find one, or two, or THREE roles you didn’t already know were played by the legendary actor.
We here at Time Warp Radio fucking STAN lady performers as Frank, but read this blog that argues why Frank ultimately MUST have a penis (which mainly plays into if you believe the theory that Janet is impregnated by the end of the movie)

Look, I totally understand why Steve Reeves may have inspired Frank-n-Furter to create the perfect sex toy-- I mean, MAN. But maybe I'm just not a fan of guys with TOO MANY muscles... and now I know why I'm a Janet
Two of Katie’s and my favorite drag queens Latrice Royale and Ginger Minj performing their own interpretations of “Sweet Transvestite!” ART IMITATES DRAG IMITATES ART
I can’t believe how big a fan of RHPS Drew Carrey must be, apparently! Look at last episode's blog post to see Rocky Horror pop up in Whose Line, too! Start building your Frank-n-Furter wardrobe with the Anal Retentive list that every Frank shadowcaster swears by
Ricky and Hayley getting....... distracted as Audrey bends to fill her cup. What’s in that water dispenser? Kool-aid? Acid-laced sangria? Not sure! But read this article where the author recounts coming to terms with LOVING this queer classic film. (And are we technically “drinking the kool-aid”?)
ART IMITATES LIFE IMITATES ART Katie, Ray, and Mike doing the final bit of luring in to convince the virgins to stay for the night. Honestly, how could anyone leave after meeting Frank-n-Furter?? Read this article analyzing the Rocky Horror Picture Show as a safe space and community for folks who are otherwise uninvited to places like churches or bars.
There’s that literal Easter egg we were telling you guys about! I’d like to interpret this behind-the-scenes photo as confirmation that Riff has “laid a plan to hatch” LOL GET IT
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Hey, Janet........ I've got something to say......