This episode’s timestamps are 00:13:53-00:21:12 and we are discussing “Over at the Frankenstein Place”— which, by the way: did you know the castle is a hotel now? 😂 Why can’t Brad and Janet wait out a storm? ARE Riff and Magenta having a party? Or is it just one of the master’s affairs?

Ok, I'm drooling. Book your stay at Oakley Court or scroll through the gallery to see how the castle is no longer dilapidated with a bunch of holes in the floors! 

Now... Katie may have tin-foiled my head a little too tightly, but can YOU explain what that is that caused the flat??

Argyle waiting for me to spell out "e...n...t...e...r..." in my head. How long does it take to read a sign, lady?

HOLY CANNOLI THOSE PIPES RIFF STUART MATTHEW PRICE RAFF what I'd pay to see the 2015 European tour! Watch the video above to hear Brad's missing verse from Over at the Frankenstein Place. also holy cannoli pt. 2 look at that virtual screen production design brb I'm drooling again 

Ricky again being screen accurate with rain-soaked light reflecting glasses LOL

The diehard RENT-head in me fangirled the instant I saw this cover Adam Pascal did of "Over at the Frankenstein's Place" *heart eyes*

Look at how SOAKED Susan's sleeves are, and then it's a bit comical that a newspaper should be holding up in this rain. See circled above where Brad's mom forgot to scotch guard the corners for a more natural look when filming. And read here a perspective on Brad's missing verse from the film.

Three little white doves sitting atop Frankenstein Place. I wanna believe they are Riff's pets.

Watch the video above to watch Richard O'Brien sing the song in it's entirety, and choose for yourself whether he says Flow morpheus flow/low/slow and then add your two cents to the debate

Chris looking INCREDIBLE as he pops up in the middle of the theatre house for Riff's solo. Attitude is everything, people!!!

A wonderful Rocky Horror production "Cinco de Rocky" at the Rockwell Table and Stage in 2014

The geographical area of southeastern Ohio, with the towns of Chillicothe, Jackson and McArthur visible. So many thanks to Shawn Hall Design's renderings of The Denton Affair (honestly one of our most used resources)

Ok. I'm not going to say Katie and I had trouble finding Magenta in this frame. But I'm not not going to say that we didn't first think she was that bowed thing on top of the banister?? Plus, look at how her hair blends into the handrail!

This is hard to screen grab, but I encourage you to watch this scene very closely, and you can SEE Barry's breath as he exhales. IT'S SO FREEZING IN THERE no wonder Susan got pneumonia and appears to be shivering and feverish

Click here to read the spooky/metal/punk history of the Coffin Clock with a very highly detailed photograph included!

Amy and Willow making a Transylvanian sandwich

WOW I LOVE YOUTUBE FOR THIS EXACT REASON a father/daughter pair teamed up to recreate and film the Time Warp... IN QUARANTINE! *heart eyes again*

a young Jim Sharman directing Hair in Tokyo 

Composer Richard Hartley at designer Brian Thomson's house for a Sunday luncheon. His shirt is of Olympic Studios, where the film's soundtrack was recorded!

I really COMMIT to this faint, you guys, regardless of whichever trope Janet is trying to fulfill

Here is the radiant Susan Sarandon with Richard O'Brien teaching the audience the Time Warp, but "it's not difficult, because all the moves are in the words, aren't they?"

Check out this blog post about film transitions, with information about every type of transition but SPECIFICALLY those gorgeous mechanical wipes like shown above. And if you want some REAL nightmare fuel, here is how physicists would be able to observe an ACTUAL time warp (some even speculate we may be in the middle of one right now!!)

Rocky Horror has allowed so many "FREAKS" (-Patricia Quinn) to form a community with a tribe of their own over the years. Read this excellent article on Vulture about why the film still matters at it's 40th anniversary.

Gorgeous Imogen Claire behind-the-scenes on-set

Rocky Horror has even permeated improv television LOL I had to include it, I adored Whose Line as a kid!

There's Katie as Kimi Wong front and center! We ADORE performing as Transylvanians and encourage anyone curious about performing to give it a try! Here's the link for all the Anal Retentive Transylvanian costume details if you wanna get started on a costume, even just to wear for screenings!

THE SCREEN ACCURACY, WILLOW *applauds* (plus peep Audrey on the right already set for her Columbia entrance)

These EYES. No wonder even when she's well secluded she can see all


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